Tuesday, 26 July 2011

List your top 200 achievements

     1. taking my first breath
2. Being the youngest of three children
3. crawling for the fist time
4. Taking my first step
5. Sitting up by myself for the first time
6. Standing by myself for the first time.
7. Going to crèche for the first time.
8. Going to Primary school for the first time.
9. Studying the alphabet
10. Learning the times tables
11. learning to add and subtract
12. Learning to do long division.
13. Learning to chew
14. Learning to eat by myself
15. Learning to read
16. Learning to write
17. Learning to talk to people
18. Learning to type
19. learning to use a computer.
20. learning to speak Afrikaans
21. Colouring inside the lines
24. Learning to use a cellphone
25. Passing matric
26. Coming first in my matric class
27. Being on the SRC in Matric
28. Going to my Matric graduation
29. Being accepted to do P.R at varsity College.
30. Being on the SLB at V.C for 3 years.
31. Being chairperson of the SLB at Church.
32. Being accepted into PR at CPUT
33. Being accepted into PR Btech
34. My first job at Retail shop
35. My first Internship at CPUT
36. Passing my learners the first time
37. Becoming an Aunt for the first time
38. Becoming a God mother for the first time.
39. Owning my first computer
40 Staying in a house by myself
41. Staying in my own flat
42. Travelling with the train
43. Learning to Bake
44. going to gold reef city for the first time
45. Going to Ratanga junction for the first time
46. going to my first club
47. Saying no to drugs/peer pressure
48. Hounours award in matric
49. Getting my first tattoo
50. Moving from the Northern Suburbs to the Southern Suburbs
51. Learning to cook
52. palying hockey for the first time
53. playing tennis for the first time.
54. Owning my own Nintendo wii
55. Owning my own wii fit plus
56. Learning to say the word NO
57. Turning 21
58. having a 21st Ball
59. going to my first live soccer match
60. Going to my first live rugby match
61. learning to understand Rugby
62. learning to understand Soccer
63. learning to understand hockey
64. learning to understand Cricket
65. playing cricket for the first time
66. Laerning to ride a bike
67. Cutting my hair for the first time.
68. Moving away from home to study
69. Giving a speech at a my 21st without crying
70. Memorzing all my important numbers
71. memorizing Birthdays.
72. never Smokeing
73. learning to ask questions
74. learning to stand up for myself.
75. Owning my own GHD.
76. Going to the movies alone
77. making pasta for the first time.
78. Remaining friends with people that truly care and love me
79. Always saying please and thank you
80. Learning to wear a bra
81. Going away alone for the first time
82. Flying on a plane for the first time.
83. Getting my frist ear piercing
84. getting my second ear piercing
84. Getting my third ear piercing
85. having my tragus pierced
86. having my tongue pierced
87. having my belly pierced
88. Learning to use a computer/the mouse
89. Learning to use the internet/research online
90. Writing 2 blogs a week for a year
91. Going to the hospital for the first time
92. having my wisdom teeth removed
93. Learning to write in cursive
94.. Learning to write with a pen, after being told that you could only write in pencil
95. Joining Twitter
96. Joining g Mxit
97. joining Facebook
98. Managing two 2nd years for Project Management task
99. Learning to drive.
100. Learning to ice skate
101. Learning to roller blade
102. Going on my first diet.
103. Pulling an all nighters to finish assignments
104. Being a bus monitor
105. Being a media monitor
106. being a media prefect
107. Learning to do accounting
108. Enduring boredom...
109. Doing Biology
110. learning to read a map
111. Doing amp work in geography
112. Buying my 21st ball gowen for R300,00
113. Passing Management without a lecturer
114. Being the MC at my brother’s wedding
115. learning to work on indesign
116. Palnning my own 21st
117. Being an honest person
118. Being a good listener
119. Being a reliable person
120. Being a good friend
121. Being a wonderful daughter to my parents
122. being on the servers guild.
123. Arranging a successful baby shower
124. Arranging a successful television launch
125. Doing Yoga for the first time
126. Trying to live each day without any regrets
127. I haven’t been to jail
128. Dealing with bitchy customers in a respectful manner
129. Being an efficient typer
130. Learning to apply make-up
131. Staying within a monthly budget
132. opening my frist bank account
133. Developing a taste for sushi
134.learning to do group work
135. Leading group tasks
136. Going to my first wedding
137. Having a great relationship with both my mom and dad
138. Learning to apply nail polish without smudging
139. Enduring an allergic reaction
140. Being potty trained
141. Learning to dress myself
142. Planting a plant
143. baking mud cookies
144. Learning to relate to the opposite sex
145. Keeping up to date with current events
146. Having learnt to work successfully with many different personalities
147. Learning to tidy up after myself
148. Learning to find my way around alone
149. Learning to cross the road
150. Learning to open and close the taps
151. learning to switch light on and off
152. Having a positive influence on friends and family
153. Not being fired
154. Learning to fish
155. Being a good sport
156. Learning to be independent
157. Learning time management
158. Learning table manners
159. Learning to accept defeat
160. Learning responsibility for my actions
161. Waking up every morning ready to face the world
162. going for my tattoo alone
163. Learning to change a light bulb
164.Learning change a blub
165. Learning to use screw driver
166. Making a mosaic cross
167. learning to pray
168. learning to read the bible
169. learning to sit still
170. going shopping alone
171. Learning to save money
172. learning to travel alone
173. Taking a cab alone
174. meeting new people
175. Going to the beach for the first time
176. Going to Sun city for the first time
177. going to Durban for the first time
178. Going to Knysna for the first time
179. going hermHnus for the first time
180 Going to Robertson for the first time
181. Flying alone for the first time
182. Writing my first blog
183. Reading my fist blog
184. Tweeting for the first time
185. Eating Ice cream in the rain for the first time
186.Not be afraid to run in the rain
187. buying my first C.D
188.. Moving by myself
189. Making friends at CPUT.
190. reading my first book
191. Going for my first x-ray
192 Drawing blood for the first time
193. Going to the dentist for the first time
194. Going to the physio for the first time
195. Learning to draw.
196. making curry for the first time
197. Being me
198. Always handing in everything on time
199 Writing this blog
200. Completing a list of 200 achievements

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